Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Blood Hunter

Hero Description: Although the hunters were members of the Beast Horde in its war against the humans, they always preferred the darkness to the light, and were won over to the Hellbourne with the promise of human blood. They are lead by the traitor Blood Hunter, a swift and deadly warrior who feeds on the blood of his enemies and heals with horrifying speed.

Blood Hunter is one of the better carry hero in HON, if you build him pretty well and if you follow this guide is assure you have 90% win percentage!!!

1st let me start with Blood Hunters
-          SILENCE!
-          Immobilizing Ulti!
-          Good Base Damage at early game
-          Ability to heal himself with Feast (2nd Skill)
-          Easily countered with one combo heroes like Pebbles, Deadwood, Witch Slayer, Pyromancer, Doctor Repulsor, Nomad and etc.
-          Small MANA POOL! (Fck! I don’t have mana for silence! This shit happens when ur in game!)

Now that we’ve analyzed the strengths and weaknesses let us go to skill build!


Blood Crazy

The Blood Hunter instills a craze for blood in a target unit, causing it to have increased base damage. While in this state, the target unit will take some damage over time and be unable to cast any spells.
·         Level 1 - Increases base damage by 20% but deals 20 magic per second. Lasts 6 seconds.
·         Level 2 - Increases base damage by 40% but deals 15 magic per second. Lasts 9 seconds.
·         Level 3 - Increases base damage by 60% but deals 10 magic per second. Lasts 12 seconds.
·         Level 4 - Increases base damage by 80% but deals 5 magic per second. Lasts 15 seconds.

Additional Effects:
 Silences you!
Usage: When you lane against intelligence heroes it would be great to spam this skill, the 120 magic damage + silence is good but the downside is that it gives 80% increase in base damage!

The Blood Hunter feasts on the flesh of every kill he makes, healing him based on the victim's maximum Health.
·         Level 1 - Heals for 10% of a Hero's maximum hitpoints or 10% for non-Hero victims.
·         Level 2 - Heals for 20% of a Hero's maximum hitpoints or 15% for non-Hero victims.
·         Level 3 - Heals for 30% of a Hero's maximum hitpoints or 20% for non-Hero victims.
·         Level 4 - Heals for 40% of a Hero's maximum hitpoints or 25% for non-Hero victims.

Usage: This ability is why the reason BH is my favorite hero, when you concentrate on last-hitting and denying, Unlimited Life will give a good farm in the laning phase!

Blood Sense
When a nearby enemy is below 40% Health, the Blood Hunter can smell it. Grants vision of the enemy unit and increases the Blood Hunter's movement speed.
·         Level 1 - +11% Movement Speed
·         Level 2 - +22% Movement Speed
·         Level 3 - +33% Movement Speed
·         Level 4 - +44% Movement Speed

Usage: BH smells blood!!! This makes BH a good chaser, though it is a passive skill, it’ll enable you and your ally to see low hp heroes on the map great combo with a global skilled heroes like Aluna’s Power Throw, Thunder Bringer Ulti, Bombardier Ulti, and Rampage Charge!

The Blood Hunter shoots out a sharp spike from his body at an enemy's major artery, dealing initial damage followed by additional damage whenever they move.
·         Level 1 - 150 Magic Damage and additional true damage based on 20% of distance moved. Lasts 5 seconds.
·         Level 2 - 250 Magic Damage and additional true damage based on 40% of distance moved. Lasts 7 seconds.
·         Level 3 - 350 Magic Damage and additional true damage based on 60% of distance moved. Lasts 9 seconds.

        Usage: One of the most feared Ulti in HON which forces enemy hero to stand like a statue to avoid damage or else they will be damage base on the percentage of the distance they moved! It can easily be countered BUT a timely use of this skill could turn-around a big team fight!


  1. Feast
  2. Blood Crazy
  3. Feast
  4. Bloodsense
  5. Feast
  6. Hemorrhage
  7. Feast
  8. Bloodsense
  9. Bloodsense
  10. Bloodsense
  11. Hemorrhage
  12. Stats
  13. Stats
  14. Stats
  15. Stats
  16. Hemorrhage
  17. Stats / Blood Crazy
  18. Stats / Blood Crazy
  19. Stats / Blood Crazy
  20. Blood Crazy / Stats
  21. Blood Crazy / Stats
  22. Blood Crazy / Stats
  23. Stats.....




Start with a Hatchet, Shield and Tangoes.


Why LASTHIT? Well, lasthitting makes you earn a LOT of GOLD  and of course with FEAST it will enable you to heal 100 - 200 hp (at max level) will help you alot.

Why DENY? Denying is one of the key is laning at early game with BLOOD HUNTER, denying a creep means a less XP for the enemy and then again with FEAST it will enable you to heal 100 - 200 hp (at max level) will help you alot. Less XP for the enemy means


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